Monday, November 23, 2009

To Share

Maybe this will be helpful to share…
Please feel free to (dis)agree

I notice an aspect of myself looking towards a certain point of Ascension.
That this is what it’s all about. I realise now that it is bull shit, to say the least.

It’s not about whether I have ascended or not. I´m continuously living it.
By increasingly incarnating all that I am here on the planet more and more. Stepping into full power and expanding it continuously. Walking my walk without looking at the process I’m in. Just operate in full knowingness. Oh, yes my throat is being choked by an aspect of me, okay. I tell to it that I am an explorer and thus trust in my development.
This cannot go wrong.

And now I notice something. I see that I had the tendency up till now, to go to the place where I feel feelings that I label as wrong. Isn’t it interesting that I wasn´t going to the place where it feels right instead? To empower that. So the aspects that are still disagreeing can ´see the light´ as well.

My life is so right. Here I find myself. Teake and Ambika went on their journey. And I´m still here because I know that it is time for me to step into my power. I am doing this every moment. To create what I will create. And boy, is it beautiful!

Trust trust trust trust….
With a bag of clothes and 150 euro I start this new journey with Barcelona as the next destination. With the universe as my bank account. Knowing that I will always provide me with what is necessary to manifest a paradise here on earth. And I find a lot of aspects of me on my way that are supporting me. And who fortunately are working consciously for this too. I guess that´s what good and bad is about. Conscious or unconscious. The bad side is bad because it´s lived from unconsciousness and it creates a lot of suffering. While at the same time you can live your life in Love, Joy and Freedom in consciousness. It´s just a choice.

So if ´you´ haven´t already: Join Me.
Join me in the conscious creation of (y)our paradise.
Right here, right now.

All it took for me is stating yes, I´m God Also.
And from now on I will live this every moment.

I love (y)our way,
God Also
Is You

I notice how writing these blogs allow me to energize my decisions.
And how the leftover resistances come up in the process, enabling me to deal with them in the appropriate manner. Thus empowering the incarnation of my Self even more.
So if you feel that you are waiting to share something because you believe that you´re not ready yet, because you believe you can not fully live it yet, please take this as an inspiration. And SHARE. We all know that we all are in a process and that everything can/will change again. Let´s explore togather and empower each One.
With gratitude to Ana for discovering this with me.

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