Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sharing my dream

C H I L D R E N ´S

for the

This Artwork will be created by Children
from All over the WORLD
togather with Me.

This will happen during My Travels to meet with them.
If YOU feel that you want to contribute to this
w o r k of

Please contact me at
How can you contribute?
Invite me.
When I started this Journey I felt in my heart that Ghana, Africa
will be my destination.
And now during this journey
the pieces of the puzzle of my life
seem to fall into place once again.
At this moment this culminates in a dream.
This dream is to create a work of Art that
will be inhabited by children.
A city as a work of art.
The purpose of my life now is to live this dream into a reality.
As an inspiring example to show the world.
We will show that it is possible to live in Love, Joy and Freedom.
These are the new paradigms for the new earth that
we are creating now.
If you feel that this connects to your dream.
Please connect me.
And let us find out how we can support eachother.
For every One who reads this and recognizes this dream of a world
in Love, Joy and Freedom.
But has become discouraged.
Now that you are not alone.
And that our happy destiny is unavoidable.
This future is unstopable.
That´s the good news!
So let´s start living and creating it today.
God Also looks forward to meet You

Discovering Consciousness 1

Unfolding possible ´mind´ trap experiences into possibilities for growth

In some of the past days I´ve been experiencing hell inside. I walked through Barcelona. Confused about the way to go. Should I go back ´home´ where I left everything and everyone behind? Thus creating a collapsing system with unpaid bills. Peoples who believe that I create suffering for them, which I can understand. Sometimes I find myself identifying with an aspect of me believing that too.

How to stay focussed on this journey? Where my body is my home. With little money in my pocket. Knowing that I´m in a phase of transition, where I am learning to find all that I used to look for on the outside now to find on the inside.

And then there is a dream showing up on the horizon. Slowly enfolding, but still very fragile. Like the caterpillar that just turned into a butterfly with it´s wings still wet. That´s where I am finding myself. I´ve made a list of al the possible mind traps. I feel compassion for the mind, having to be blamed all the time for this must be hard. I honour you, for playing that very difficult part. And I´m looking forward to the day that we all be united as one again. I know that the traps of the mind are beings who believe to be trapped themselves. May you free yourselves of that. I know you will.

So here´s my list of these prisons that the mind is experiencing, often through us. When we choose to identify with it. But in the same way as my encounter with the Barcelona police could be turned into an inspiring learning experience for growth, this can be too. So I share this list, without blaming any being.

Prisons for the mind
Feeling disconnected
Creating confusion by doubt
Fear of failureFear of being disapproved / rejected
Looking for comfort and safety on the outside
Fear of changeFear to connect to others
Fear of miscommunication / misunderstanding
Fear of making mistakesMistrust in Self
Projecting money shortage in the future
Fear of going back
Fear of going further
Victim thinking
Fear of the unknown
Projecting worries
Imprisoning my talents / expression
(creating the encounter with the police)
Forcing myself / my body
Fear for suffering
Pity myself
(Wanting to create something and blaming myself that I cannot do it instantly -> being discouraged by it -> not create at all)
Believing that this way of travelling has to be done like a martyr in poverty
(being homeless in the old energy way)
Focussing on problems instead of creations…

Hello, are you still there, dear reader. If so, thank you for your patience and perseverance. I realise that some of these could be categorized under the same. They are all connected to the illusions. But sometimes, especially when identifying with them, it´s difficult to see this. I hope that this list may be of some assistance to you then. After I had written down this list I felt a lot better. Because by recognizing these emotions and labelling them for what they are, I could stop identifying with them. I feel resistance when I write this. Because something in me still believes that there are good and bad sides. That´s just a dual thought. Both can be united and cooperate, for both carry valuable experiences for our next step.

Let´s evolve together.
And please share your ideas about his too.
I salute you in Love, Joy and Freedom in the way they are meant to be

God Also

A way to Cosmic Partnership

It sounds a bit clinical like this, but I imagine it to be magically beautiful. May this sharing be an inspiration to you to take this to the next level and share it with me again if you will.

A partnership like this, as with all of creation starts on the inside. So this is how I believe to create a cosmic partnership on the inside. I experience two sides in my body. Left and right. Female and male. And it feels like they are balancing again.

Here are some of my discoveries on this journey. I like to make the comparison with a coin. One side of the coin being male, the other female. And then there´s the in-between on the edge between the two sides. This is the field that separates one side from the other. Supposedly, because separation is nothing more than an illusion.

In this field we could experience a lot of confusion, anger, sadness, hatred, fear,…etc when we enter it. How to transform this?

You see, the female side might feel abused by the male side. And yes, male side, this is what you have been doing. Isn´t it? You wanted to posses her, use her for your own supposed pleasure. When the female side is able to forgive the male, she will see that the intention of the male might not have been bad. He did what he believed to be good at that time. She can forgive him and feel compassion. And find understanding in this. Understanding that it was painful for the male side as well. That this was done from another kind of (un)awareness at that time. She can forgive herself then for allowing this to happen. Even for creating this. Because she believed the male to be bad, she carries a responsibility for this co-creation as well. Forgiving self will enable one to step out of the role of victim, into that of co-creator. This might be painful for a moment to face. But the good news is, when you do, you´ll see that you regain the ability to change it.

Now the male might be frightened for the female. Because he realises that he has been abusing her. And he feels bad about it. So bad, that he might be afraid to allow her into his life once again. Because he might believe that he needs to be punished. That he doesn´t deserve to connect to her again. Afraid to do something wrong again.

Let´s please realise here, that nothing that has ever been done is wrong. In some cases this may seem hard. But on a more unconscious level we all choose these experiences to get to know ourselves. And evolve together. Yes, also the ones who where killed, raped and I don´t know what. It´s their creation too. Which is something else then stating that it is there own fault.

Then there´s another game that has been played inside of me. The male taking control over the female. Why did he do this? He is afraid of her. She can be very free in her expression of love and beauty. And this can be confronting for the male side. Showing him how stuck he is in wanting to control everything. Her beauty also confronts him with his violent approach of her. Feeling separated form the beauty that was projected onto her, he felt the urge to merge with her by penetration. So he could be this beauty again too. He wants to go back inside of her.
Feeling safe and carried. There´s also something that is experienced in separation and might seem out of balance. Before born, we are carried by our mothers. And I noticed that the female side was leaning heavily on the male side of my body. Explaining the tension on the right side of my body. And the feeling of being exhausted, forcing himself to carry the both of them. When we look into society, you´ll see that these patterns are still lived by many people.

There´s more to this but to prevent an ongoing story, I´ll take a short cut here. Trusting that you will discover what´s going on in you if you like. The following principle might be helpful.

Forgiveness is the key word her. The male forgiving the female. Will help him to gain understanding of her side. Eventually leading to gratitude to her for playing that role. This then can open up understanding and compassion for self. Leading to forgiving oneself.
Same goes for the female forgiving the male.

From this mutual understanding we can move learn from our experiences. Discovering that we do not wish to create it like this anymore. And therein lies an inspiration. Because the things that you don´t want to create anymore are a finger pointing towards new realities of what you do wish to create. Imagine a relationship where both partners are in balance. The male and female side in each of them is in balance and they are making love within one body. And from this love a child is born. A child that is the 3.
1(male) + 1(female) = 3 (child). The divine child, the angelic human if you will.

Now I´ve had the luck to experience parts of this in my life already. I´ve experienced making love on a physical level, guided by intuition. Which led to a fusion of male and female. To feeling as One. Being able to experience my experience, and also the experience of the other. So, as a male, I also felt how the female entered me. And even how the both feel at the same time.

Recently I have blessed myself with making love like this on an energetic level as well. Blending with someone in love. Hardly touching each one. Making love like angels.

We are fortunate to live in a time now where the two come together again. And I am really looking forward to the experience of combining these two ways of making love.

And they can be applied in every situation. I´ve discovered that this way of living, that it is becoming for me, also turns out to be very helpful to deal with institutions that I´m still fighting against. In my blog on you can find an example of that, concerning the police. But it can be applied to any situation where you feel separated still. Transforming it into a win-win together. It doesn´t matter which side starts up this process. It will always be a win – win for you. You cannot loose. By practicing this, you will grow and step out of suffering. So that´s a win. And when the other is not willing to evolve together. You still win. When the other is willing to co-operate however, then you get the opportunity to experience the 1 + 1 = 3. So the beauty of this process is that you can never loose this.

When we start acting like this. Inviting the ´other side´ to evolve with us, then we don´t need to experience all the doom scenarios for economic systems etc. Then we can find joyous ways to transform.

May this be an inspiration for you to assist you to forgive yourself and open the door to new realities. You are my inspiration. Thank you.

And gratitude to Zebulon and Zyona & the Pleiadians for being an inspiration on this journey…

You Are God Also
In Love, Joy and Freedom

Friday, December 4, 2009

An inspiring encounter with the police of Barcelona

Dear fellow companions on this journey.
I find myself in Barcelona still, when I’m writing this.
In the company of beautiful friends that I met along the way.

How interesting this journey is. Teaching myself how to dance with the things
I encounter. Finding possibilities to turn ´negative´ experiences into win-win situations. I´ll share one of them that I´m involved in at this moment. I will take the following letter to the Barcelona police.

I want to stress that it´s not the intention to make the police look like the bad guys in this blog. If you still believe this after reading this. Then you´re missing the point still.

Dear peoples from the police of Barcelona,

I (and many others with me) have made a mistake. And I apologize for that to you and forgive myself.

I was sitting on La Ramblas showing my drawings to people without permission. I was not aware that I needed this. And the policeman is right. I should have known. That is my responsibility.

Now my drawings have been taken in custody. And I became very emotional in that moment. Scared of what was happening. And feeling anger also. And in that moment I insulted the policeman by asking him how he could do this. Believing he is not living from his heart. I apologize. I realise that you are doing your work out of love for people. Just like me. That we are on the same side (we all are). I make my drawings not to sell, but to show. I noticed that they assist people with their energy, to deal with feelings of anger, fear, hate etc. (And at the same time to recognize the love and beauty in themselves.) These same feelings of fear, anger and hate that create crime.

I understand now that the tiredness that I saw in the eyes of this policeman is not because he is somebody who is not living from his heart. He must be tired of having to fight crime all the time. I respect you for this. I do believe that we live in a time where we are discovering new ways of living together. Realising that none of us are bad/wrong. That we are all on the same side. That we are all looking for a happy, peaceful, loving life in our own way. Sometimes misunderstanding one another.

I want to ask you to forgive me my mistake. And if you want to give me my drawings back for free. So I can find new ways, in alignment with the laws of your city (country) to show my work. I am willing to expose them in your office too, when you like.

I just do not want them to be in a black plastic bag, being sealed. Not being seen.
Maybe even destroyed. I will not pay for them. It still is my own work.

I respect your answer. Also when it is ´No´.

So this letter is an attempt or proposal to work together with you. In a way that I perceive as valuable. I´m also open to your perspective in this. And to bring both together in a win-win situation for all of us.

I trust in your response to this.
Even if it will be difficult to accept it. I will.
In full trust.

Kind regards and thank you for this experience.
Because I am learning a lot from this.

May this be an inspiration for all of us to deal with the institutions where still fighting against. Finding new ways to get to a mutual understanding. And co create in alignment.

When choosing this perspective it is impossible to loose. It´s a win - win situation. Because I feel already like winning, by gaining this experience out of it. However I do wish to create this into a win-win for both of us.

To be continued...

God Also Thanks You

Discovering Consciousness 2

Unfolding possible ´mind´ trap experiences into possibilities

´In everything there´s something to smile about.´

So, what happens when I apply this to my list?

Feeling disconnected
This can be useful at times.
When I find myself in the presence of people that are identifying with anger, fear or whatever painful experience. Disconnect and create a reality in joy on the inside. This will definitely have some impact that will be beneficial.

Creating confusion
Very powerful tool!
You can find an example of this on my website (
Where you will find the Noise Simulation Installation. (that doesn’t exist in this form anymore) A machine that created the experience of the noise of TV. Some people that entered experienced breakthroughs. Being thrown out of their reality for a moment (1 minute). Allowing them to break through fobia, depression, etc. And many experiencing joy. If you are interested in being the producer of a more sustainable version of this installation. Let me know. I´ll be happy to co-create it with you.

Fear of failure
Failure, another powerful tool.
Because what beautiful possibility are you failing yourself into?
Maybe we should start failing in Love, instead of falling. That might open some doors.

Fear of being disapproved / rejected
A chance to scratch myself behind the ear. Listening to the arguments with compassion. Understanding the other. Thus further integrating. Being inspired and inspire. Opportunities for growth. Possibilities for co-creation (see blog about the police). Also a tool for alignment and a next step on creating my dreamed reality. What aspect of me that I was not aware of yet is still fighting the reality I wish to create?

Looking for comfort / safety on the outside
Enabling others to support me. To act in kindness. To get acquainted with others and share. Be in joy together.

Fear of change
Although it might seem to have the potential of stopping me to evolve. At the same time it can support me in staying focussed on realising the reality I choose. (there will be more about that in the next blog)

Fear to connect to others
It did enable me to go though all the experiences on the list once more. So I am now able to share this with you. With the possibility that you will be inspired by it and will be able to live in love, joy and freedom even more then you already do now.

Mistrust in self
An opportunity to have a second look at what aspect of me I am trusting in, in the moment. Is it one that leads me to more love, joy and freedom?

Projecting money shortage into the future
Money shortage can be an opportunity to open up possibilities for living without the money system. To co-operate with you. To find ways to bend the supposed crash of the systems and turn it into a more fluent transition. Let´s ascend, dancing through this. Why create big crashes and collapsing systems?

Fear of going back or further
Takes me into the Now. Doesn´t it?
Like the Talking Heads were singing:
´We´re on a road to nowhere´
Could that be ´Where on a road to Now Here´?

Victim Thinking
Allows me to identify with others who are still there. To understand them and be compassionate. Opening up a possibility to contribute to the awakening of an aspect of self.

Fear of the unknown
First thing that comes to my mind is that it allows me to be aware that there is an unknown. An empty sheet of paper to create new realities on. An area to explore.

Projecting worries
Any suggestions?

Allowing me to invite you to contribute and move from
The illusion of being God Alone into being God All One.

Imprisoning talents / expression
Building up energy to explode in beauty.
In my work as an artist I often deliberately used imprisonment to trigger the imagination and creativity. In the above mentioned Noise Simulation Installation I tried to create Virtual Reality without computers. Use a technique that exists by creating an experience of space and time for creating a timeless and space less experience. Try to create something that seems impossible and surprise yourself. It will open doors.

I´ll leave it with this. To avoid ongoing blogs. The rest of the list I´ll leave up to you if you like.

Okay, one more.
Inspiration to create in the Now.

So looking at this. Can it be that the mind is nothing more than a companion? Inspiring us in how we want to create form here. I noticed when making this list that it is not so much about the actual situations itself, but how I choose to experience them and deal with them.

Trusting to be in ever inspiring service to you I salute you

God Also Loves in You

Discovering Consciousness 3

Unfolding possible ´mind´ trap experiences into possibilities

So how did I get to this way of looking at life?

I encountered a beautiful being on my path, interestingly enough right after I cried out to the angels for help in a moment of feeling desperate. It turned out that she had done the same and that´s how we met. She taught me by allowing me to live through her experience of reality with her for some days. Allowing me to open my eyes once again.

This is my perspective on her story.

I met her at a playground in Barcelona, where she walked up to me, telling me that her live was in danger. I didn´t understand all of it, for I´m still unfolding my comprehension of the Spanish language. But it does allow me to stay in feel at the same time. She took me to her home where I spend a few days with her.

Her house was messy. The shutters before her windows closed.
She was very afraid that the medical industry had set up a complot against her.
And now she seemed stuck in feelings of anger and paranoia. She completely changed in those moments. She went to consult several doctors, explaining them how there was a conspiracy against her. Created by them.

This angel is pregnant, and this is how she was confronted with the medical system. Finding out what more and more people are finding out these days. That it´s not always benefitting us at all. She become very angry, which makes sense, doesn´t it? She identified with the believe that there are a lot of bad people in governments, medical industry etc. and she was very afraid to be caught. It made me realise once again that bad people don´t exist. There are only people who identify and operate with systems that are no longer benificial to us in this form. Systems that ask for transformation.

And so this happened within the few days that I was with her. We went to another doctor where she started to explain her point of view. And then we were taken to another hospital with an ambulance. Not knowing what was going on. There she was hospitalized at the psychiatric department. It was quite a painful and confronting experience at that moment.

Being torn between me being unable to help her, loving her very much. And believing that this might help her to break through. At the same time not trusting the system that she went into myself. Wondering if the system that she is so angry at can help her to get out of it.

This is what I see in this situation.
We live in a time where we discover a lot of bad things that are being done onto us by people who believe in systems that are not beneficial to us anymore. I guess most of us have heard about complot theories being exposed. This triggers a lot of anger.
We become angry at the bad guys, attacking them for attacking us.

How to get out of this?

By forgiving.

We have to forgive ourselves. Sometimes this may start with forgiving the other. That will open up the ability to identify with the other one and understand why they did it. Possibly leading to gratitude for them being willing to play that role. It´s not easy to live that. There might be the understanding that the other one was doing what he/she thought to be right. Just like you. This opens up to forgiving self. Realising that labelling the other one as bad inflicts pain and suffering onto the other. Realising that we are all learning about life will help in this process of forgiving.

Then we can let go of separation and share our experiences to evolve together.
In the example mentioned above the pregnant woman can heal her own pain and realise that she has an opportunity to change the medical system. To allow them to find new ways to teach people to heal themselves for example.

In the fight of good and bad we want to destroy the systems that we believe to be bad and sometimes even the people involved. This will not work. That´s how the mind was created. That´s why forgiving thoughts is helpful in healing the mind at times when it seems that (y)our thoughts are taking over.

This time we will ascend all together, so whenever we feel separated from some One we can have a look at what´s going on here.

I trust that this blog may contribute to transforming these situations into win win situations where we can experience that 1 + 1 = 3

God Also beli(e)ves in You!