Friday, December 4, 2009

Discovering Consciousness 2

Unfolding possible ´mind´ trap experiences into possibilities

´In everything there´s something to smile about.´

So, what happens when I apply this to my list?

Feeling disconnected
This can be useful at times.
When I find myself in the presence of people that are identifying with anger, fear or whatever painful experience. Disconnect and create a reality in joy on the inside. This will definitely have some impact that will be beneficial.

Creating confusion
Very powerful tool!
You can find an example of this on my website (
Where you will find the Noise Simulation Installation. (that doesn’t exist in this form anymore) A machine that created the experience of the noise of TV. Some people that entered experienced breakthroughs. Being thrown out of their reality for a moment (1 minute). Allowing them to break through fobia, depression, etc. And many experiencing joy. If you are interested in being the producer of a more sustainable version of this installation. Let me know. I´ll be happy to co-create it with you.

Fear of failure
Failure, another powerful tool.
Because what beautiful possibility are you failing yourself into?
Maybe we should start failing in Love, instead of falling. That might open some doors.

Fear of being disapproved / rejected
A chance to scratch myself behind the ear. Listening to the arguments with compassion. Understanding the other. Thus further integrating. Being inspired and inspire. Opportunities for growth. Possibilities for co-creation (see blog about the police). Also a tool for alignment and a next step on creating my dreamed reality. What aspect of me that I was not aware of yet is still fighting the reality I wish to create?

Looking for comfort / safety on the outside
Enabling others to support me. To act in kindness. To get acquainted with others and share. Be in joy together.

Fear of change
Although it might seem to have the potential of stopping me to evolve. At the same time it can support me in staying focussed on realising the reality I choose. (there will be more about that in the next blog)

Fear to connect to others
It did enable me to go though all the experiences on the list once more. So I am now able to share this with you. With the possibility that you will be inspired by it and will be able to live in love, joy and freedom even more then you already do now.

Mistrust in self
An opportunity to have a second look at what aspect of me I am trusting in, in the moment. Is it one that leads me to more love, joy and freedom?

Projecting money shortage into the future
Money shortage can be an opportunity to open up possibilities for living without the money system. To co-operate with you. To find ways to bend the supposed crash of the systems and turn it into a more fluent transition. Let´s ascend, dancing through this. Why create big crashes and collapsing systems?

Fear of going back or further
Takes me into the Now. Doesn´t it?
Like the Talking Heads were singing:
´We´re on a road to nowhere´
Could that be ´Where on a road to Now Here´?

Victim Thinking
Allows me to identify with others who are still there. To understand them and be compassionate. Opening up a possibility to contribute to the awakening of an aspect of self.

Fear of the unknown
First thing that comes to my mind is that it allows me to be aware that there is an unknown. An empty sheet of paper to create new realities on. An area to explore.

Projecting worries
Any suggestions?

Allowing me to invite you to contribute and move from
The illusion of being God Alone into being God All One.

Imprisoning talents / expression
Building up energy to explode in beauty.
In my work as an artist I often deliberately used imprisonment to trigger the imagination and creativity. In the above mentioned Noise Simulation Installation I tried to create Virtual Reality without computers. Use a technique that exists by creating an experience of space and time for creating a timeless and space less experience. Try to create something that seems impossible and surprise yourself. It will open doors.

I´ll leave it with this. To avoid ongoing blogs. The rest of the list I´ll leave up to you if you like.

Okay, one more.
Inspiration to create in the Now.

So looking at this. Can it be that the mind is nothing more than a companion? Inspiring us in how we want to create form here. I noticed when making this list that it is not so much about the actual situations itself, but how I choose to experience them and deal with them.

Trusting to be in ever inspiring service to you I salute you

God Also Loves in You

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