Saturday, December 5, 2009

Discovering Consciousness 1

Unfolding possible ´mind´ trap experiences into possibilities for growth

In some of the past days I´ve been experiencing hell inside. I walked through Barcelona. Confused about the way to go. Should I go back ´home´ where I left everything and everyone behind? Thus creating a collapsing system with unpaid bills. Peoples who believe that I create suffering for them, which I can understand. Sometimes I find myself identifying with an aspect of me believing that too.

How to stay focussed on this journey? Where my body is my home. With little money in my pocket. Knowing that I´m in a phase of transition, where I am learning to find all that I used to look for on the outside now to find on the inside.

And then there is a dream showing up on the horizon. Slowly enfolding, but still very fragile. Like the caterpillar that just turned into a butterfly with it´s wings still wet. That´s where I am finding myself. I´ve made a list of al the possible mind traps. I feel compassion for the mind, having to be blamed all the time for this must be hard. I honour you, for playing that very difficult part. And I´m looking forward to the day that we all be united as one again. I know that the traps of the mind are beings who believe to be trapped themselves. May you free yourselves of that. I know you will.

So here´s my list of these prisons that the mind is experiencing, often through us. When we choose to identify with it. But in the same way as my encounter with the Barcelona police could be turned into an inspiring learning experience for growth, this can be too. So I share this list, without blaming any being.

Prisons for the mind
Feeling disconnected
Creating confusion by doubt
Fear of failureFear of being disapproved / rejected
Looking for comfort and safety on the outside
Fear of changeFear to connect to others
Fear of miscommunication / misunderstanding
Fear of making mistakesMistrust in Self
Projecting money shortage in the future
Fear of going back
Fear of going further
Victim thinking
Fear of the unknown
Projecting worries
Imprisoning my talents / expression
(creating the encounter with the police)
Forcing myself / my body
Fear for suffering
Pity myself
(Wanting to create something and blaming myself that I cannot do it instantly -> being discouraged by it -> not create at all)
Believing that this way of travelling has to be done like a martyr in poverty
(being homeless in the old energy way)
Focussing on problems instead of creations…

Hello, are you still there, dear reader. If so, thank you for your patience and perseverance. I realise that some of these could be categorized under the same. They are all connected to the illusions. But sometimes, especially when identifying with them, it´s difficult to see this. I hope that this list may be of some assistance to you then. After I had written down this list I felt a lot better. Because by recognizing these emotions and labelling them for what they are, I could stop identifying with them. I feel resistance when I write this. Because something in me still believes that there are good and bad sides. That´s just a dual thought. Both can be united and cooperate, for both carry valuable experiences for our next step.

Let´s evolve together.
And please share your ideas about his too.
I salute you in Love, Joy and Freedom in the way they are meant to be

God Also

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