Friday, December 4, 2009

An inspiring encounter with the police of Barcelona

Dear fellow companions on this journey.
I find myself in Barcelona still, when I’m writing this.
In the company of beautiful friends that I met along the way.

How interesting this journey is. Teaching myself how to dance with the things
I encounter. Finding possibilities to turn ´negative´ experiences into win-win situations. I´ll share one of them that I´m involved in at this moment. I will take the following letter to the Barcelona police.

I want to stress that it´s not the intention to make the police look like the bad guys in this blog. If you still believe this after reading this. Then you´re missing the point still.

Dear peoples from the police of Barcelona,

I (and many others with me) have made a mistake. And I apologize for that to you and forgive myself.

I was sitting on La Ramblas showing my drawings to people without permission. I was not aware that I needed this. And the policeman is right. I should have known. That is my responsibility.

Now my drawings have been taken in custody. And I became very emotional in that moment. Scared of what was happening. And feeling anger also. And in that moment I insulted the policeman by asking him how he could do this. Believing he is not living from his heart. I apologize. I realise that you are doing your work out of love for people. Just like me. That we are on the same side (we all are). I make my drawings not to sell, but to show. I noticed that they assist people with their energy, to deal with feelings of anger, fear, hate etc. (And at the same time to recognize the love and beauty in themselves.) These same feelings of fear, anger and hate that create crime.

I understand now that the tiredness that I saw in the eyes of this policeman is not because he is somebody who is not living from his heart. He must be tired of having to fight crime all the time. I respect you for this. I do believe that we live in a time where we are discovering new ways of living together. Realising that none of us are bad/wrong. That we are all on the same side. That we are all looking for a happy, peaceful, loving life in our own way. Sometimes misunderstanding one another.

I want to ask you to forgive me my mistake. And if you want to give me my drawings back for free. So I can find new ways, in alignment with the laws of your city (country) to show my work. I am willing to expose them in your office too, when you like.

I just do not want them to be in a black plastic bag, being sealed. Not being seen.
Maybe even destroyed. I will not pay for them. It still is my own work.

I respect your answer. Also when it is ´No´.

So this letter is an attempt or proposal to work together with you. In a way that I perceive as valuable. I´m also open to your perspective in this. And to bring both together in a win-win situation for all of us.

I trust in your response to this.
Even if it will be difficult to accept it. I will.
In full trust.

Kind regards and thank you for this experience.
Because I am learning a lot from this.

May this be an inspiration for all of us to deal with the institutions where still fighting against. Finding new ways to get to a mutual understanding. And co create in alignment.

When choosing this perspective it is impossible to loose. It´s a win - win situation. Because I feel already like winning, by gaining this experience out of it. However I do wish to create this into a win-win for both of us.

To be continued...

God Also Thanks You

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