It sounds a bit clinical like this, but I imagine it to be magically beautiful. May this sharing be an inspiration to you to take this to the next level and share it with me again if you will.
A partnership like this, as with all of creation starts on the inside. So this is how I believe to create a cosmic partnership on the inside. I experience two sides in my body. Left and right. Female and male. And it feels like they are balancing again.
Here are some of my discoveries on this journey. I like to make the comparison with a coin. One side of the coin being male, the other female. And then there´s the in-between on the edge between the two sides. This is the field that separates one side from the other. Supposedly, because separation is nothing more than an illusion.
In this field we could experience a lot of confusion, anger, sadness, hatred, fear,…etc when we enter it. How to transform this?
You see, the female side might feel abused by the male side. And yes, male side, this is what you have been doing. Isn´t it? You wanted to posses her, use her for your own supposed pleasure. When the female side is able to forgive the male, she will see that the intention of the male might not have been bad. He did what he believed to be good at that time. She can forgive him and feel compassion. And find understanding in this. Understanding that it was painful for the male side as well. That this was done from another kind of (un)awareness at that time. She can forgive herself then for allowing this to happen. Even for creating this. Because she believed the male to be bad, she carries a responsibility for this co-creation as well. Forgiving self will enable one to step out of the role of victim, into that of co-creator. This might be painful for a moment to face. But the good news is, when you do, you´ll see that you regain the ability to change it.
Now the male might be frightened for the female. Because he realises that he has been abusing her. And he feels bad about it. So bad, that he might be afraid to allow her into his life once again. Because he might believe that he needs to be punished. That he doesn´t deserve to connect to her again. Afraid to do something wrong again.
Let´s please realise here, that nothing that has ever been done is wrong. In some cases this may seem hard. But on a more unconscious level we all choose these experiences to get to know ourselves. And evolve together. Yes, also the ones who where killed, raped and I don´t know what. It´s their creation too. Which is something else then stating that it is there own fault.
Then there´s another game that has been played inside of me. The male taking control over the female. Why did he do this? He is afraid of her. She can be very free in her expression of love and beauty. And this can be confronting for the male side. Showing him how stuck he is in wanting to control everything. Her beauty also confronts him with his violent approach of her. Feeling separated form the beauty that was projected onto her, he felt the urge to merge with her by penetration. So he could be this beauty again too. He wants to go back inside of her.
Feeling safe and carried. There´s also something that is experienced in separation and might seem out of balance. Before born, we are carried by our mothers. And I noticed that the female side was leaning heavily on the male side of my body. Explaining the tension on the right side of my body. And the feeling of being exhausted, forcing himself to carry the both of them. When we look into society, you´ll see that these patterns are still lived by many people.
There´s more to this but to prevent an ongoing story, I´ll take a short cut here. Trusting that you will discover what´s going on in you if you like. The following principle might be helpful.
Forgiveness is the key word her. The male forgiving the female. Will help him to gain understanding of her side. Eventually leading to gratitude to her for playing that role. This then can open up understanding and compassion for self. Leading to forgiving oneself.
Same goes for the female forgiving the male.
From this mutual understanding we can move learn from our experiences. Discovering that we do not wish to create it like this anymore. And therein lies an inspiration. Because the things that you don´t want to create anymore are a finger pointing towards new realities of what you do wish to create. Imagine a relationship where both partners are in balance. The male and female side in each of them is in balance and they are making love within one body. And from this love a child is born. A child that is the 3.
1(male) + 1(female) = 3 (child). The divine child, the angelic human if you will.
Now I´ve had the luck to experience parts of this in my life already. I´ve experienced making love on a physical level, guided by intuition. Which led to a fusion of male and female. To feeling as One. Being able to experience my experience, and also the experience of the other. So, as a male, I also felt how the female entered me. And even how the both feel at the same time.
Recently I have blessed myself with making love like this on an energetic level as well. Blending with someone in love. Hardly touching each one. Making love like angels.
We are fortunate to live in a time now where the two come together again. And I am really looking forward to the experience of combining these two ways of making love.
And they can be applied in every situation. I´ve discovered that this way of living, that it is becoming for me, also turns out to be very helpful to deal with institutions that I´m still fighting against. In my blog on you can find an example of that, concerning the police. But it can be applied to any situation where you feel separated still. Transforming it into a win-win together. It doesn´t matter which side starts up this process. It will always be a win – win for you. You cannot loose. By practicing this, you will grow and step out of suffering. So that´s a win. And when the other is not willing to evolve together. You still win. When the other is willing to co-operate however, then you get the opportunity to experience the 1 + 1 = 3. So the beauty of this process is that you can never loose this.
When we start acting like this. Inviting the ´other side´ to evolve with us, then we don´t need to experience all the doom scenarios for economic systems etc. Then we can find joyous ways to transform.
May this be an inspiration for you to assist you to forgive yourself and open the door to new realities. You are my inspiration. Thank you.
And gratitude to Zebulon and Zyona & the Pleiadians for being an inspiration on this journey…
You Are God AlsoIn
Joy and